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Re: [RFC] Proposal for new source format


On Sat 26 Oct 2019 at 04:24PM -07, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> It probably would also be useful if the metadata had some standardized
>> way to indicate the preferred way to propose changes to either upstream
>> or the debian packaging maintainer --- whether it's e-mail to a
>> particular e-mail address, or a pull request, etc.
> Hm, that's an interesting thought.  I do generally include that sort of
> information in the docuemntation of all packages for which I'm upstream,
> but for Debian I've assumed the preferred way to propose changes is the
> BTS.  Now that's potentially changing with Salsa.  I don't really mind
> monitoring multiple input formats, but some people will.

I think that README.source is a fine place for this sort of information.

Sean Whitton

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