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Re: Appstream + Gnome

Am Do., 2. Jan. 2020 um 21:58 Uhr schrieb Jeff <jffry@posteo.net>:
> On 02/01/2020 16:53, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> > @Jeff Did your changes include adding a launchable tag? If not, adding
> > one may already fix this issue.
> Yes, I had.
> > When transitioning:
> >  1) Make sure you add a launchable tag - it may not be essential, but
> > it certainly is more explicit. Also, you'll get a validator info hint
> > if you don't have one.
> >  2) Add the old ID to <provides/>, so tools can still associate older
> > data with the new name (if they ćare about that)
> The workaround I've found is to duplicate the .desktop file, one with
> the correct ID, and one matching the executable name.

Ah! In this case renaming of the .desktop file probably was the issue?
Since you have two .desktop files now, make sure the old one has
either NoDisplay=True set, or contains the X-AppStream-Ignore=True
field (or both), otherwise your application will appear twice in
software centers.


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