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Re: Help needed: conflicting interests between Salsa admins and Salsa users (Re: Git Packaging Round 2: When to Salsa)

>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Wirt <formorer@debian.org> writes:

    Alexander> For everything else: we are working on it. 

I just want to confirm that part of the things that you are working on
is documenting the issues.  At a number of points you've talked about
how people are misunderstanding the issues or are thinking it's simply
more CPU etc.

That's all doubtless true.
But part of being in a community is communicating with that community.
People would almost certainly be more understanding if they had more

Yes, that sort of communication does involve time, and yes that time
could be spent fixing things.
There comes a point though where the communication becomes at least as
important as the fix.

I think I've heard several requests for more information here, and I
just want to confirm that too is in your queue.


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