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Re: What are desired semantics for /etc/shells?


On Tue, 2021-06-15 at 13:31:15 +0200, Felix C. Stegerman wrote:
> FYI I just noticed another inconsistency: on my merged /usr systems
> (installed as such, not converted later w/ usrmerge), /etc/shells
> contains both /bin/ and /usr/bin/ paths for some shells, but not all
> (e.g. no /usr/bin/sh, no /bin/screen).
>   $ sort /etc/shells
>   # /etc/shells: valid login shells
>   /bin/bash
>   /bin/dash
>   /bin/rbash
>   /bin/sh
>   /usr/bin/bash
>   /usr/bin/dash
>   /usr/bin/rbash
>   /usr/bin/screen
>   /usr/bin/tmux

Yeah, welcome to the wondrous world of merged-/usr-via-aliased-dirs,
where these paths are aliased, and can be used in places that will
end trying to match against literal entries in /etc/shells, and fail.

While I think I might have been aware of this issue, I never explicitly
tracked it in <https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/MergedUsr>, added now,


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