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Re: merged /usr vs. symlink farms

On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 12:47:51PM -0400, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> Personally, I *don't* have a problem about telling people to manually
> update dpkg, apt, and/or apt-get before they do the next major stable
> release (maybe it's because this is something I do as a matter of
> course; it's not that much extra effort, and I'm a paranoid s.o.b.,

So, when did you last log into your build chroot to upgrade dpkg and
apt first? And while at that, did you follow the release notes – from
the future, as they have yet to be written for the release you are
arguably upgrading to already?

But okay, lets assume you actually do: apt and dpkg tend not to be
statically linked, so they end up having dependencies. Some of them even
surprising. In bullseye you e.g. have to upgrade cryptsetup first before
apt can be upgraded (apt → libgcc-s1 → cryptsetup-initramfs → …).
And that is just the first and most obvious chain.
But it would never happen that you would e.g. need to upgrade all of the
KDE desktop environment before upgrading dpkg, right? Well… in Debian
squeeze that nearly happened, but we had to break that chain because it
was actually forming a 500+ loop apt/lenny had trouble dealing with.
Those chains are only investigated if they lead to major problems:
I e.g. never looked at the C++ v5 (copy on write) transition which
likely entangled apt with half of the universe in the general case.

But okay, lets assume we form a team who actually looks into all these.
It is easy, right? No. Dependencies and their version constrains (can)
differ by architecture and mostly propagate by negative dependencies
meaning the individual system state is hugely important. The result is
that hardly any upgrade is the same even if we subsume it all under
"upgrade to bullseye". And regardless of how hard we try, there will
always be other packages which have to go before it is dpkgs turn, so
at least all these have to make due with what was released previously

> and I know that's the most tested path given how Debian testing
> works).

Not really as you can see e.g. with libgcc-s1, as most upgrade problems
aren't due to dpkg or apt in practice, but because the intermediate
steps of a package making testing upgrades a smooth sail aren't visible
for the stable updates. If you want a better tested path, I suggest
stable updates by jumping from week to week via snapshot.d.o. You may
want to skip weeks with actual bugs through.

In the end, it is just simpler to assume that every release+1 package is
installed by dpkg/release (and of course apt/release) than trying to
reason if and how we can make it happen that dpkg is handled before some
other package (without forming loops) or even can be sanely upgraded
ahead of the upgrade entirely. Or are you perhaps volunteering?

Don't get me wrong, as an apt dev I would love if we could do that. It
is kinda annoying to work around issues you have fixed years ago, but
aren't available in (soon) oldstable. We would need a more aggressive
stable-updates strategy but in reality we tend to be held to even higher
standards than all other packages because we are native key packages…
(just look when we froze dpkg… apt at least has a tiny loophole for now
 by not being build-essential in a strict sense)

Not that it really matters. It would just add more moving parts to the
upgrade process – a process, if this entire thread is any indication,
which is hardly understood by anyone in Debian and considered entirely
optional by many. That alone makes me very sad on many levels.

(I wrote this before reading Guillems replies which end on a similar
 note even though he comes from the opposite end – dpkg worried about
 the finer file-level details and apt about the general package-level
 picture meeting halfway as usual… kinda funny)

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

P.S.: As someone will ask: Ubuntu splits the user base in two: Those who
run their release upgrader which runs outside of the packaging system and
largely can do whatever (including bring in a standalone apt/dpkg just
dealing with an upgrade – they usually resign to much simpler things
through) and those who don't like for example chroots and containers who
effectively use whatever an upgrade path 'apt dist-upgrade' gives you.
Which also explains why Ubuntu hasn't fully /usr-merged yet more or less
waiting for Debian to figure that one out. Or, well, they spearhead even
here now as it is apparently too much to ask for an upgrade path in
Debian nowadays.

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