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Re: Is removing smell from packages OK? (Was: Why? "Marked for autoremoval on 24 March due to xdelta3: #965883")

Quoting Andreas Tille (2022-02-25 09:22:38)
> I had to decide between a "proper NMU" and an "upload that fits the packaging
> standards I apply to what I upload" (which includes maintained on Salsa,
> usage of dh, DEP5 copyright ... basically removing the smell from the
> package).  I decided for the latter but at the same time I was aware that I
> violated the rules we gave given each other.
> Given the fact that there was a nearly 4 year old patch (#895957) made
> me feel that I'm not alone with this but on the other hand the creator
> of the patch (thanks Jeremy for doing at least half of the necessary
> work) hesitated to upload his work.  This brings up again the discussion
> about how much changes are allowed to simply remove smell from packages
> is accepted.

Is this not something that can be solved by salvaging [1] the package in
question? Do a tiny NMU fixing an RC bug (and only that) first but then after
waiting 21 days you can get the packaging into shape without your changes being
classified as a NMU and thus without the restrictions we put upon the changes
allowed in a NMU.


cheers, josch

[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.en.html#package-salvaging

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