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Re: Firmware - what are we going to do about it?

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:

    Russ> I agree with this option split, but that reminds me of a
    Russ> different procedural note.

    Russ> While I recognize and respect the desire to create a
    Russ> comprehensive ballot, I'm still going to advocate for
    Russ> proposing a GR only with the options that the person proposing
    Russ> the GR would vote above NOTA, and possibly only your preferred
    Russ> options.

I agree with Russ in this instance, which may b surprising to some given
how I approached the systemd GR.

I think that we will likely find people to sponsor something close to
all of Steve's options.
And I think that allowing those people to craft the wording of those
options will give them the best chance of winning.
    Russ> (That said, I think there's a big exception, which is that if
    Russ> you've canvassed a bunch of people who may not want to try to
    Russ> craft their own ballot options, and developed options to
    Russ> reflect their views, I think that's a fine approach and a good
    Russ> reason to propose options that aren't your personal
    Russ> preference.)

I also agree with this exception.

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