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Re: Bug email is not getting to me

On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 03:42:40PM -0500, Steven Robbins wrote:
> Hi,
> When I first started with Debian many many years ago, I would routinely see 
> email for bug reports submitted against packages I maintain, and responses to 
> said bugs.  Nowadays I get essentially none of that.  The only way I see such 
> responses is by perusing bugs via the web interface -- which I do infrequently 
> so messages languish.
> I may have missed when something changed over the years.  Is there something I 
> must do to get bugs.debian.org to reliably send me email?
> I just noticed today that this applies even to responses that apparently 
> directly CC my debian address; e.g. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/
> bugreport.cgi?bug=1020397;msg=10
> I literally searched my mail logs for the Message-ID in question and it is not 
> reported.  So it appears to have been hung up somewhere.  How can I debug 
> this?
> I have sent a test email to my debian address and it came through.  So I think 
> email is normally being delivered.  Just not from bug reports.

Who is running the incoming mail server?

> P.S.  This has been happening for months if not years.  It's just that I 
> haven't been motivated to ask the question until now.

So the change might be "fresh".

> P.P.S.  I don't subscribe to any debian lists, so it is appreciated to 
> directly cc me in replies.

You are welcome

Geert Stappers
Runs his own mail server
Silence is hard to parse

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