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Re: epoch for tss2 package

On 20.10.22 13:40, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote:
Quoting Andreas Henriksson (2022-10-20 12:13:24)
Cannot be used for packages that are used in build dependencies, as several
build tools (like sbuild) do not support virtual packages in those
dependencies by design, to guarantee deterministic builds.
Wait what? If sbuild doesn't support virtual packages I'd like to hear about
that. Can I just remove this reason from the wiki page? It is obviously wrong.
If it is not, please file a bug against sbuild.

The correct statement here is that you ought to pick a default choice first[1] before a virtual alternative. We don't want to leave it up to the resolver to pick an arbitrary available build-dependency. So this is more of a policy rather than a technical question. Behavior for experimental might currently differ due to a different resolver choice that's more flexible by design - to get newer versions from experimental if necessary.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

[1] This might require an overall agreement across Debian at times. But that seems to be more relevant for dependencies than build-dependencies.

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