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Re: Restart rsyslog only once after few packages are upgraded

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 12:14 PM Michael Biebl <biebl@debian.org> wrote:
> Am 26.10.22 um 11:49 schrieb Jędrzej Dudkiewicz:
> > I'm sorry if it was answered earlier, but I *really* couldn't find
> > anything about it.
> >
> > I have few packages that are installed as part of a larger system on
> > Debian running on BeagleBone. These packages frequently (for some
> > strange reason - I'm not the only developer) modify files that go to
> > the /etc/rsyslog.d/ directory. These files are not part of
> > sometimes all of them. Because of this each package contains the
> > following:
> >
> > systemctl restart rsyslog
> >
> > in its postinstall script. As this causes rsyslog to be restarted a
> > few times in a row it sometimes results in rsyslog not functioning.
> This shouldn't be a problem in theory.
> That said, rsyslog could be part of the upgrade process, so maybe is in
> an inconsistent state when you trigger the restart.
> Would be interested to know more about the specific failures you
> encountered.

I'm sorry but unfortunately I can't provide more info: I am not
responsible for installing these packages, this is done by other
people, in addition it is for most part automatic and happens very
rarely - we care about it only because we update these machines
(BeagleBones) in bulk few dozens at a time and in case of failure
machine immediate "administrative action" is taken (manual rsyslog
restart). But there are two symptoms - either rsyslog does not start
or it starts but there are no entries from running services.

> > Thus, my question:
> >
> > Is there a way to restart rsyslog only once, after all packages are
> > installed? I hope for something similar to "dh $@ --with-systemd" in
> > "rules" file (but "dh -l" does not show anything that looks like it
> > should work). My guess is that it should possible to somehow combine
> > "dh $@ --with-systemd" to achieve what I want, but I don't even know
> > where should I start.
> The rsyslog package already offers a dpkg trigger which does
> `invoke-rc.d rsyslog try-restart || true`
> This trigger is activated by packages installing files into /etc/rsyslog.d
> But you can activate that trigger explicitly as well via
> dpkg-trigger --now-await rsyslog
> So, if your package ships a file in /etc/rsyslog.d/ everything should
> work ootb. If you create the file dynamically via maintscripts, you need
> to add an explicit dpkg trigger in your maintscripts.

As you wrote there is currently no such dpkg-trigger so there is no
way for us to do it - even if you added it we are still on Debian 9
without a real way to upgrade all systems.

What we currently settled for is:

* install files to /etc/rsyslog.d/ from *.deb
* modify installed files as required
* update using `apt-get` with ` -y -o
Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew"

This way rsyslog is restarted once as far as I can tell and it seems
to work - of course this will overwrite all local changes, but this
isn't a real problem as there is a strict policy in place preventing
administrators from modifying configuration files, so this should
_somehow_ work. I hope so at least.

Thanks a lot.

Jędrzej Dudkiewicz

I really hate this damn machine, I wish that they would sell it.
It never does just what I want, but only what I tell it.

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