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Policy: should libraries depend on services (daemons) that they can speak to?


I would like to extend Debian Policy on libraries depending on services
(daemons) that they can speak to.

Let me bring to examples, one made up,, one for which I filed a bug
recently. But as far as I can tell this question comes up from time to

1. libpulse0 & friends

libpulse0 is a client library for the Pulseaudio server. It doesn't do
much without pulseaudio.

Q: Should libpulse0 have Depends: pulseaudio?

There a similar libraries like libjack0 to talk to Jackd.

Q: Should libjack0 have Depends: jackd1?

The answer should probably be the same for both questions.

If the answer is "yes", this would result in an application that can
output audio via Pulseaudio or Jackd and linking the respective
liubraries pulling in *both* Pulseaudio and Jackd (and possibly other
sound servers as well).

2. python3-secretstorage

python3-secretstorage is a library to talk to a Dbus Secret Store API
implemented by several programs (gnome-keyring, libkf5wallet-bin,

Q: Should python3-secretstorage Depends: default-dbus-session-bus |

Q: Should python3-secretstorage Depends: gnome-keyring | ...?

If the answer is "yes", this would result in an application that can
manage credentials via Secret Store to pull in DBus, systemd-sysv,
gnome-keyring, and lots of other stuff, even when one just wants to,
for example, install (public) packages from PyPI (#1058945).

(There is a practical different between Python and C in that Python
makes it easier to handle optional linkage: just try `import foobar`
and handle the import error; proper plugin handling in C is
significantly more work.)

3. The general case

Many Debian packages build with a large set of optional features
enabled, thus linking many libraries. I believe that if all libraries
implementing support to talk to some service would mandate installing
said service, then this would result in many installations getting many
more packages, especially when also considering use of software in
containers.  Some service might even conflict with each other, e.g.,
one would probably only want to use a single sound server.

I therefore think that libraries (be it classic C shared object
libraries or Python modules or others) should in general *not* have
Depends: or Recommends: relations on services (DBus services, DBus
itself, daemons, ...).

A quick poll on IRC in #-devel seemed to show a majority of people who
responded agreeing with this.

(This does not have to apply to libnss-* or libpam-* which are not
actually libraries, but plugins.)


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