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Editor extensions to help editing debian/* files?


What editors and extensions are you using to augment your productivity
and minimize mistakes when editing debian/* files?

I am aware of dpkg-dev-el for Emacs mentioned in the DD reference[1].
I am a big fan of Pulsar[2] and recently found a 'language-debian'
plugin for Pulsar[3], but didn't get it to emit any errors/messages.

I would be interested to learn what editors and integrations others
use specifically for debian/* files. I've witnessed several old DDs
stop their Debian work, and many aspiring ones give up on becoming a
DD, because the Debian packaging work is so laboursome. One small
thing that could ease the burden could be better editor integrations
that help people write and maintain the debian/* files with less

- Otto

[1] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/developers-reference.en.html
[2] https://optimizedbyotto.com/post/pulsar-best-text-file-and-code-editor/
[3] https://web.pulsar-edit.dev/packages/language-debian

PS. Related, these are commands I frequently run manually but don't
have any editor integration for:

wrap-and-sort --wrap-always --verbose

make --dry-run --makefile=debian/rules

codespell --write --check-filenames --check-hidden debian/

find debian/ -type f | xargs spellintian --picky

aspell --mode=debctrl -c debian/control

duck -v --color=always

find -name *.pot -exec i18nspector "{}" +; find -name *.po -exec
i18nspector "{}" +;

shellcheck -x --shell=bash $(shell grep -Irnw -e '^#!.*/bash' | sort
-u |cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs)
shellcheck -x --shell=sh $(shell grep -Irnw -e '^#!.*/sh' | sort -u
|cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs)

if [ "$(find debian/patches/ -type f -not -name series | wc -l)" !=
"$(wc -l < debian/patches/series)" ]
  echo "Contents of debian/patches/series does not match number of
patches in debian/patches"

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