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Re: booststrapping /usr-merged systems (was: Re: DEP 17: Improve support for directory aliasing in dpkg)

Hi, Helmut. I'm very sorry for responding to an 8-months old letter,
but I think my message is important.

Helmut Grohne:
> * mmdebstrap operates in two phases. It first unpacks and configures a
>   rather minimal set of packages and then proceeds to adding packages
>   passed to --include in a second phase once essential is fully
>   configured while debootstrap immediately unpacks everything.
>   I think the debootstrap approach is slightly worse here, because it
>   means that preinst scripts of non-essential packages cannot rely on
>   essential packages having been configured.

This is not true. Here is output of debootstrap:
https://paste.debian.net/1304816/ .

We created current sid from sid. As you can see, mc unpacked in very last stage.

The same can be seen in debootstrap.log: https://paste.debian.net/1304817/

Moreover, I did another experiment: I did run debootstrap and aborted
it immediately after output "Unpacking the base system..."
The resulting system did not contain "mc" binary at all!

(This is answer to https://lists.debian.org/debian-dpkg/2023/05/msg00080.html )
Askar Safin

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