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Re: Validating tarballs against git repositories

On Sun, 31 Mar 2024 10:12:35 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

> > My point is that, while there will be for sure exceptions here and
> > there, by and large the need for massaged tarballs comes from projects
> > using autoconf and wanting to ship source archives that do not require
> > to run the autoconf machinery.
> Just as a data point, literally every C project for which I am upstream
> ships additional files in the release tarballs that are not in Git for
> reasons unrelated to Autoconf and friends.

This is also true for every perl distribution on the CPAN made with
the standard build tools (and I write this as a response to a mail of
yours as I know that you know what I'm talking about :))
> Just to note, though, this means that we lose the upstream signature in
> the archive.  The only place the upstream signature would then live is in
> Salsa.

This also means that we are, at least in some ecosystems, diverging
from the preferred way of distribution, and maybe more important, that
we are adding a new step 0 to our build process, which is: making a
(fake) upstream release.


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