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Re: Debian openssh option review: considering splitting out GSS-API key exchange

On Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 03:27:30AM +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> Do you think it will be possible to have still only one `ssh`, `scp`,
> etc. command and that will just use extra GSSAPI stuff if installed and
> needed by a certain connection?

It would be technically possible to retain the client parts of the
GSS-API key exchange patch in the default variant.  It would require the
build to be separated into multiple passes, since that patch touches a
number of files shared by the client and the server.

Rather than trying to construct this, though, it would be much simpler
and I think safer to just have a separate openssh-client-gsskeyex
package.  Like today's openssh-client, it would be usable both with and
without GSS-API key exchange.

Colin Watson (he/him)                              [cjwatson@debian.org]

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