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Re: Debian 12 released with two RC bugs in Sylpheed

In days of yore (Sun, 07 Apr 2024), José Luis González thus quoth: 
> Hi,
> Debian 12 was released with two Release Critical bugs I filed on May
> 20th 2023 (#1036424 and #1036388) on Sylpheed about issues that I
> found on stable, and remain, with Debian 12 released later on June 10th
> 2023.

So, bug #1036424 is a problem that when you reply to an email, it does not
set the From account properly, it uses the default account.

That is perhaps a usability defect, but it is not a critical impact defect
by any stretch of the imagination. Critical is usually reserved for things
like remote exploit, data corruption, or otherwise, you know, critical

The other bug, #1036388, has a little more meat on it, but still does not
meet the criteria of Critical. Looking at it on the scale of Critical,
Important, Medium and Low, I think it warrants Important if I understand
the problem description right. Which, correct me if I am wrong, is:
 - Configure Sylpheed with account A and sender user@a.com
 - Configure Sylpheed with additional account B and sender user@b.com
 - Account A is default, but we switch to account B for the session.
 - When a new mail for Account A is received, it is placed in Account B's
Okay, that would be an annoying issue. But the bug was addressed. The
issue was resolved in Sylpheed 3.8.0~beta1-1. For all I know, the issue
was complex and non-trivial to backport to version 3.7.0. I am not the
package maintainer, nor the upstream developer, so I am not about to yell
at them when they actually produced the fix.

To put a perspective on this - I use mutt, with at least four separate
email accounts, all receiving email and ultimately pooling into my
mailserver. When I send email, I do need to check that I am actually
sending as the correct persona as mutt does guess who to send as, but it
does not always get it right. Has it led to me sending emails with the
wrong sender? Yep. And I apologise when it happens and move on, re-rending
with the correct sender.

I do not consider this to be a defect in mutt as mutt has never advertised
that it will get its guesses of who to send as 100% right when there are
more than one account configured as I have it set up.

Also - a question that is rhetorical and more food for thought:

How much are you paying for your Debian subscription and support per year?

Kind regards,


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