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Janitor (Was: About Package Maintenance)

Hi Colin,

Am Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 12:03:52PM +0100 schrieb Colin Watson:
> I'm not sure how widely known it is, but the Janitor does have a
> mechanism for overriding the versions of Debian it retains compatibility
> with based on various considerations, and I've found it useful to land
> changes there in the past so that its other facilities can still be
> useful without getting in my way.  Search for "compat_release" in
> https://salsa.debian.org/janitor-team/janitor.debian.net/-/blob/master/k8s/policy.conf.

Thanks a lot for this hint.  I was not aware of this and for my use
cases I'm happy with Janitor defaults since it makes sense for leaf
packages as we usually maintain in the scientific software branch.

When talking about criticism on Janitor:  I personally do not see
much sense in creating changes like

   Bump debhelper from old 10 to 11

and later

   Bump debhelper from old 11 to 12

etc.  for packages that are not used for a long time.  Thus I rather
call Janitor tools right before uploading a package.  But this are

In my eyes the greatest thing in Janitor is that it proves that Debian
wide changes can be done automatically and can be adjusted to users
needs (by either commiting directly, create MR or to leave out packages
or teams at request) and as I learned now can even work with fine graned

Kind regards


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