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Re: install docs and ftp vs http

> I just tried putting a file x.html on my ftp server which contains a link
> <a href="foo">foo</a>. This link is following by Netscape if I use
> "ftp://server/path/x.html"; first.
> So I think you can savely remove the leading "ftp:" from the installation
> manual.

This exactly what I was hoping. I will make the changes to the copies on the web
pages this weekend and get someone with permission to write to the ftp archive
to mirror the pages there. This will allow me to get rid of some annoying typos.

When this gets fixed, all docs will be accesable directly from the web pages. :)
Now if only www.debian.org started mirroring correctly....

Christian, it would also be a good idea to have a place for these in the doc directory.
If there are any docs that are ready for prime time that aren't already in the web
pages, please tell me.

- Sue

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