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Re: Debian User's Manual

On 25 Jun 1998, Adam P. Harris wrote:
> This site has *everything* to do with the documentation project,
> Robert.  It just has not much to do with your particular effort in
> that respect.

It's the main developer's page. It has a link to the DDP page.  It has
links to developer docs. But I don't think it's the most important issue

> > My main point, though, is that it's more important to write the
> > documentation. We've been futzing with web sites, DTDs, coordination,
> > planning, ad inifinitum. 
> What futzing?  I haven't seen any futzing?
> I'm pointing out that we need a new documentation coordinator.  How
> does this observation slow you down in your task?

It doesn't slow me down. I just don't know why your point is the "main
point," since the question was about the User's Manual and contributions
to it. Though a doc coordinator would be nice.

Futzing means a documentation indexing system, a new DTD, umpty zillion
planned documents, and not much documentation writing. I should qualify
that: not much documentation writing intended for end users, since I
started paying attention last summer or so.

> > Please, rather than wait for someone unspecified to do something big and
> > diffuse, let's have each one of us do something small, specific, and
> > attainable. My .02.
> Agreed.  For someone, that task is going to be being our documentation
> coordinator ;).  

Yes. I don't mean to argue that a documentation coordinator is bad, I just
want to stay focused on writing the documentation. I know playing with
technical issues and grand schemes is more fun, and I personally prefer to
play with Gnome code.  Nonetheless, it has to get done. 

Anyway, let's not get into a silly argument. Clearly both a doc
coordinator and doc writing are needed. But please, no one wait for those
web pages to get updated before writing docs.


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