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Re: Internet fraud

While looking into my SPAM-Database of around 1,8 million I
have fond, that you have send me around 87 SPAMs.  If you do
not spaming us, I will forward those SPAMs to my attorney.


Never heared, that the SPAMer using FAKE E-Mails ?


Am 2005-07-18 14:10:30, schrieb ByDezign:
> To: Whom it may concern,
> You are using my domain name in your email address... This is internet fraud...
> You have 24 hours to delete it or I will be emailing this URL to my attorney:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-doc/2005/05/msg00172.html
> From:
> webmaster@graphicsbydezign.com
------------------------- END OF REPLYED MESSAGE -------------------------

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