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Bug#544135: [developers-reference] Clarify MIA section (7.4)

Package: developers-reference
Severity: normal

The MIA section is a little confusing, especially since it's also useful
to aspiring maintainers, not just DDs.

1. It seems to mix up the concept of maintainer and developer in the
first bullet point (I realise these weren't always different);

2. It doesn't mention where to find the mia-query tool (or what it means
by "the system is available on..." ie. www? ftp? ssh?)

Paul Wise mentioned that[1]:

> The system runs on qa.d.o, to query it, DDs can login via SSH and run the command.
> Non-DDs can get DDs to login and run the command for them. The best
> way to get that done quickly is to ask people on the #debian-devel
> channel to run the command and tell you when the last activity of the
> person was.

It might be worth mentioning that last part for non DDs to know.

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2009/08/msg00534.html

Jason Heeris

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