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Bug#772963: release-notes: cellphone friendly CSS

On 2015-01-31 17:14, Stéphane Blondon wrote:
> Thank you Niels for your help! I cloned your git repository and
> patched the debian.css file.
> I attach here the new file and a diff. If it's nicer for you, I could
> create a temporary repository on GitHub. I've got a account on alioth
> (sblondon-guest) too.
> The temporary demo:
> http://stephane.yaal.fr/tmp/release-notes.amd64.html/index.en.html


Thanks, I have applied the patch and merged it into trunk.  With the
next rebuild, the release-notes will now be using this new design.  \o/

Once again, thanks for your work (to all contributors).  I admit I have
lost track of this thread in the past 1-1½ week; please ping me if I
overlooked a mail from you that you believe I should have replied too.

> Details about the patch below:
> [...]
> We tried to use word-wrap but the attempt fails. According to him,
> with CSS only, we could decrease the font size or hide the text.
> I tried the decrease the font size but it's not always enough.
> So in the patch, the chapter names are hidden on small screen, only
> the arrows are displayed. This solution fixes the problem on small
> screen.
> On larger screen, both chapter names and arrows are displayed.

Seems like a reasonable work around. :)

> The home image is below the arrows. In my opinion, it would be better
> to display it at the same height than the arrows. I don't know if it's
> hard to do.

If you can figure out how to do it, I would be interest in a patch for
it.  That said, it is not a deal breaker. :)

>>>>>>  * The "Caution" remarks (plus "note" etc.) has a so much margin that
>>>>>>    only 16-20 characters are shown per line[2].  In desktop mode it
>>>>>>    only takes 1-2 lines.
>>> It's not really easy to fix because there is css style directly in the page:
>>> <div class="caution" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"
>>> [...]
>> Turns out it is fair simple to do, but it kills *all* inline styles[1].
> I keep some of the added css in the patch and the caution, important
> and notes block got a lower margin on small screen.
> Ordered lists have the same behaviour (like unordered list).
> What do you think about these changes?

Looks good to me, thanks. :)

> For next improvement, we could replace the caution and note images
> with more modern ones (from the publican project or tango desktop
> project for example).

Sounds excellent. :)


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