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Bug#932957: Please migrate Release Notes to reStructuredText


James Addison <jay@jp-hosting.net> wrote (Fri, 19 May 2023 23:28:55 +0100):
> > Please note the &oldreleasename; in the URL!
> > I could not get this working with sphinx (if someone knows better, please
> > contact me!)
> Could the 'extlinks' feature[1] of Sphinx be helpful to migrate those?

Yes, thanks for the pointer! I used that now to get the manpage links fixed!

> (it allows defining URL pattern aliases, so for example :oldreleasenotes: could
> map to https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/releasenotes and :releasenotes:
> could map to https://www.debian.org/releases/bookworm/releasenotes for D12)
> Parameters are supported too, and that could be useful for package-or-filepath
> refs (re: grep -r '`.*<' source |grep -o '<https.*>' | sort | uniq -c |sort -n)

The drawback is, it is not as flexible as the entities in docbook.
For example, there is the following URL in this manual in docbook:


You see, there are three entites in this URL!
This seems to be not supported by extlinks :-((

> > Beside this, I need help to adapt the buildchain, to get the possibility of
> > building the release-notes for the different architectures.
> > I have no python knowledge, so I will most likely not get this running myself.
> I'll try to take a look into that soon to see what I can find out.  Do you
> know how the current docbook-based build varies by architecture?

There are some chapters, which are only visible for specific architectures, like
in installing.dbk:

	<section id="cloud" arch="amd64;arm64;ppc64el" condition="fixme">
	  <title>Cloud installations</title>
	    The <ulink url="&url-cloud-team;">cloud team</ulink> publishes
	    Debian &releasename; for several popular cloud computing services

> Perhaps we can borrow some build scripting from developers-reference and/or
> debian-policy.. but I suppose those don't have per-architecture output.

I think so, yes. That will be of no help, I fear...

> > And the last point is the integration into the debhelper tools: I don't know
> > if it is required, to have the release-notes fit for building as a whole
> > package with sbuild or debuild or similar. Salsa tries to build it via CI
> > at every push, but currently fails.
> It's possible I've misunderstood, but would be the goals here to be to get
> the release-notes documentation built by CI, and also for it to be distributed
> as a Debian package itself?
> (someone who knows more may correct me, but I think it would be great to have
> the package available for install using apt in addition to the website)

That was my first thought as well, yes.


Holger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>
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