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Re: some questions about the Greek translation of the release notes

Le dimanche 21 mai 2023 à 15:53 +0300, galas a écrit :
> Dear friends!
> I am Emmanuel Galatoulas, long term contributor to the Greek
> translation
> of the Installation Guide as well as of the Release Notes. My Salsa
> username is galaxico-guest.
> Checking, just before the release of Debian 12/Bookworm, the status
> of the
> Greek translation of the release notes I find in the statistics pages
> that
> the percentage of the Greek translation (el) in stable (I suppose
> bullseye) is 92.71%
> - https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/statistics.html
> whereas for the testing (Debian 12/Bookworm) is 100%.
> - https://www.debian.org/releases/testing/statistics.html
> This is in accordance with the statistics for the po files in the Git
> project (https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/release-notes).
> However, checking the web pages in
> -https://www.debian.org/releases/testing/releasenotes,
> say for amd64, I realised that there are some untranslated bits here
> and
> there, which is somehow confusing, since as I said all the relevant
> files
> in the git project has been translated.
The stats check the number of translated strings in yours files but
don't take account of the strings introduced in the new files version.

> Trying to find an explanation, I found that in the git project except
> the
> master branch there are also branches for the various releases,
> amongst
> them a "bookworm" branch. In this branch there do appear two files
> with
> some not-ready or untranslated bits (the files issues.po and
> upgrading.po).
> So, here is my question: should I complete the translation of these
> two
> files in the branch "bookworm" for the Greek translation for the
> release
> to be completed? Is it permitted to work with branches other than the
> master?
> I would be grateful for an answer clarifying the situation since, as
> you
> realise, I am exciting (as everybody) about the imminent release of
> Debian
> 12 and equally eager for the Greek translation of the release notes
> to be
> available to our Greek community and users.
> Accept my sincere thanks for your hard work for such an exciting
> release
> of our Debian!
> with best regards
> Emmanuel Galatoulas
Hi Emmanuel,
I looked at the greek issues.po file, it seems up-to-date for bullseye
release, but you have to update it to be sync with the bookworm
release. As noted in the README.tranlsators file lines 66-67

"* To update your language files against the English original, use:
 $ make updatepo LINGUA=de "

In this way, you will have all greek files synced with the last English
Best regards,
Jean-Pierre Giraud
French Translation Team

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