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CVS Usage

Here is a summary of how to work CVS

To gain access to the CVS server you should do

export CVSROOT=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/dpkg"
cvs login
cvs co dpkg

If you have write permissions you should change the anonymous in the
CVSROOT to your username and then use your password for login. The
anonymous password is an empty string. You only need to do this once, CVS
will memorize that the dpkg check out belongs to cvs.debian.org.

Once you have checked out you can edit the files in any way. If you make a
change that you don't like and would like to erase do this:
   rm file; cvs update file

If you would like to get the latest version and merge any uncomitted
changed you have just run from the top level (ie the dir with the
configure script)
   cvs update

If you would like to add a new file or directory,
   cvs add file

If you wish to check in your new changes,
   cvs ci
   cvs ci -m"Short comment"

If you wish to make a source tar.gz,
   cd /tmp; cvs export dpkg ...

The debian cvs man page is fairly complete for the exact syntax of the
commands, co is short for checkout and ci short for checkin or commit.

I have placed dpkg- into the CVS tree right now, if you
have any updates to that you should checkout the tree, copy the files you
changed over and the check in.


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