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Jason Gunthorpe writes:
> This is done, the group is dpkgcvs. I think the cvs man page describes how
> to use ssh as an access method (If any of you need help configuring
> ssh/ssh-agent for key based authentication let me know) 

$ echo $CVSROOT

$ echo $CVS_RSH

% cvs checkout dpkg
Sorry, you don't have read/write access to the history file /cvs/dpkg/CVSROOT/history

I'd assume the fix to this is 'chmod g+w /cvs/dpkg/CVSROOT/history',
but given the long history of emnity CVS and I seem to have developed,
if probably safer if I leave the fix for someone else to make.

Guy Maor writes:
> I've got fixes to some scripts as well as the user part of the
> new-upload-mechanism here.

There's a dpkg- in my home directory on master, in case
it's useful to you in the merge.  It should be pretty stable, although 
there's some changes in there that make it definitely unsuitable for
release in 'hamm'.

If you're planning for your changes to be in slink-only, I'd love it
if you could merge them into instead of  If you're
intending them to go into hamm as well, just go ahead and make them
off and I'll take care of merging them into

 - Klee

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