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Re: dpkg segfaults

On 10 Mar 2001, Richard Kettlewell wrote:
> Wichert Akkerman writes:
>> Previously Richard Kettlewell wrote:

>>> Thanks.  I don't seem to be able to reproduce this on either of my
>>> machines, however.
>> Setup a chroot and try it without --admindir and
>> --instdir. Basically you can reproduce it through the pure
>> unfortunate fact that dpkg happens to run over a struct that is
>> overwritten by a filelist. If you have different options you might
>> just miss that..
> I still can't reproduce it.  Perhaps there is some other difference.
> I'll give up trying to reproduce it for now.
> Do you have any other information about how you've tracked down the
> problem to that particular revision?  I've just re-read the diff and
> still can't spot any possible problems.

Any chance of an answer to this?


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