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Re: Question about dpkg -r

--- Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk> wrote:

> Hope Duryea writes ("Re: Question about dpkg -r "):
> > dpkg did not need to create /usr (the symlink),
> > but it wants to -- and does -- remove it just the
> > same. As I mentioned before, there are plenty of
> > other files under there, but none that came from
> > a debian package.
> Ohhhhh!
> This is not a supported configuration.  Don't do
> that then.

Are you saying debian packages can only be used on
systems where the entire system is comprised solely of
things installed as debian packages? I was hoping I
could use debian packages for additional material to
be installed on an existing (non-debian) system.

> If you absolutely must do this, create a dummy
> package to contain /usr.

Can you say what you mean by a "dummy package"?

> I do agree that this behaviour might occur on a real
> Debian system in some obscure corner of the
> filesystem but the situation has to be very
> contrived.  It can only happen to a directory which
> is present in only one package but which the
> sysadmin has made be a symlink elsewhere.

By "made be a symlink elsewhere", I take it you mean
"created the symlink, before installing any debian
package that installs into the (symlink) dir." If so,
then yes, that describes my situation -- all the
symlinks that exist under / (usr, etc, opt, and so on)
exist up-front, before I install any packages, which
is why I don't want dpkg to remove them (since it
didn't create them in the first place).


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