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Re: Question about dpkg -r

--- Goswin von Brederlow
<brederlo@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:

> Hope Duryea <hope_duryea@yahoo.com> writes:

> > I don't have a "debian system". I have a system
> > that I had hoped I could install additional files
> > into, using debian packages to do that.
> Then your assumptions and dpkgs assumptions collide.

It wasn't an assumption -- it was a hope :)

> It was never ment for that.

Doesn't mean I can't try using it for that, though :)
And now that I have my workaround for (what I consider
to be) its "bad behaviour", I actually can. (Not that
I think its bad behaviour makes debian bad in general
-- quite the opposite -- which is why I've been trying
to find a way to make it work for me :)

> Note that with that usage dpkg will happily
> overwrite your files on install [...]
> So you are playing with fire here.

Not really, since I won't be installing anything that
already exists. (Yes, I'm absolutely certain of that,
since I'm building 90% of it myself :)

Thanks again for everything,

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