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Re: Managing apt/dpkg/debconf configurations.

Le Tuesday 10 February 2009 vers 08:22, Mathijs Kwik(Mathijs Kwik 
<bluescreen303@gmail.com>) a écrit:
> Hi all,


> I'm managing a number of (ubuntu) workstations and servers and
> found it labour-intensive to keep configurations similar.
> I use aptitude to set my manual/auto selections and have some
> preferences on certain debconf questions.
> I know about some tricks/hacks to import/export package selections
> and I know about the debconf-pre-seed configuration at install
> time.

	debconf-get-selections and debconf-set-selections permit to export 
and import debconf database.
	I use those commands with 
dpkg --get-selections/dpkg --set-selections and apt-get 
dselect-upgrade when I setup a new machine!

Hope this helps!
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one 
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all 
progress depends on the unreasonable man.

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