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Re: Feature request: Reset configuration


On Sun, 2010-06-27 at 19:58:01 +0200, Daniel Bock wrote:
> 2. Request replacements from dpkg.
> sudo dpkg -i --force-confmiss /path/to/samba-common.deb
> This tells dpkg to replace missing configuration files with those
> from the .deb. You might find the original package .deb in
> /var/cache/apt/archives, or you can use a fresh copy of the same
> version from your distribution's repositories.
> dpkg -i --force-confnew foo.deb
> That flag only forces dpkg to overwrite the config file if it would
> otherwise have asked for permission to do so. It does not make it
> magically recreate pristine config files from the package.

> It seems to be an important feature and I propose you to implement
> this option to magically make the configuration of an package
> pristine. Come on, everybody will be happy about such feature.

I might have missed something but isn't:

  $ dpkg --force-confmiss --force-confnew -i foo.deb

what you are looking for (given the patch you've sent)?

(Regardless of the prospective dpkg-conffile support etc).


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