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Re: Git repository not accessible

Hi Sven,

thank you for your quick response. I am aware that dpkg-reconfigure is not part of dpkg, but I am trying to find a bug in relation dpkg-reconfigure and dpkg-query. so I need both repositories.

Kind regards,

Sasa Vilic

On 20 June 2016 at 20:00, Sven Joachim <svenjoac@gmx.de> wrote:
On 2016-06-20 19:25 +0200, Sasa Vilic wrote:

> I was pursuing some bug in dpkg-reconfigure and was trying to clone dpkg
> repo

Note that dpkg-reconfigure is not part of dpkg, but rather of debconf.

> but it seems not to be accessible:
> $ git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/dpkg/dpkg.git

That should have been https://anonscm.debian.org/git/dpkg/dpkg.git instead.

> Cloning into 'dpkg'...
> fatal: https://anonscm.debian.org/dpkg/dpkg.git/info/refs not found: did
> you run git update-server-info on the server?
> I have found information here: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg

I have fixed the URLs in the wiki, thanks for reporting.


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