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Re: [PATCH] dpkg-query: --listfiles without package lists all files

On Mon, 2022-08-22 at 10:45:09 +0200, Jochen Sprickerhof wrote:
> Btw. is there a similar feature to list all control files of all packages,
> like dpkg-query -c dpkg?
> Otherwise, would something like db-fsys:Control-Files be acceptable?

I'm trying to get rid of --control-path (see man page), so I'd rather not
add similar things as supported interfaces. :)

> I'm trying to build something similar to the cruft(-ng) package to find non
> package files. Would that be a feature for dpkg?

I had a branch that extends «dpkg --audit» with checks for unknown
database files under /var/lib/dpkg/, replicating in a built-in way
what the dpkg postinst script is currently doing (for that one-time
db recovery code). I guess that could be extended further to also check
for stuff under /var/lib/dpkg/info/. What are the checks you had in
mind? Whether there are files there for packages not currently preset?
Perhaps also for files that should not be present for say a package in
config-files state? Anything else?


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