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Fwd: [PATCH] dpkg-query: --listfiles without package lists all files


I'm new here and catching up with the email archive.

>Linking against static libdpkg >= 1.21.10
ACK, thank you very much

>> Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>
> I'm trying to build something similar to the cruft(-ng)
> package to find non package files. Would that be a feature for dpkg?
> Cheers Jochen

I realized today cruft(-ng) could be the solution for some space constraints
we are facing right now at work.

Not the actual cruft/cruft-ng CLI, I mean, but something else built
on the same engine/library with result data processed differently.

We basically want to assign each file of our proprietary
/DATA & /LOG partitions to a package like "dpkg -S" would do
and basically have the usage piechart to see where to act
(the whole SSD is 16Gb :-| )

I will quickly whip a working dh_cruft, that ships "debian/cruft" to
/usr/lib/cruft/filters-unex/[binary package] API directory and rebuild
our packages;
and some binary that call the right functions to get this result
but the end goal is that the most of it could be upstreamable and reusable.

So if you already have some code or description of what you
want to do it's welcome.


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