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Re: lost gpg key -- need "advocate"

On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 11:55:10PM -0400, Joe Nahmias wrote:
> As some of you may know, I lost my USB keyfob with, among other things,
> my gpg private key.  I have since revoked that key [0xE61612A5], and
> generated a new one [0x398B371D] and gotten a DD to sign it (jaldhar@).
> However, I was just directed to
> <http://keyring.debian.org/replacing_keys.html>, which says that I need
> to do a bit more in order to get back into the keyring.  Would anyone be
> willing to undertake the procedure documented there.  I live/work/go to
> school in manhattan, so it should be easy to meet up and exchange sigs.

I'd be happy to sign your new key and to send that letter on behalf of
you. I live in Manhattan as well (near Columbia) but make it downtown
most days. Give me a call: http://mako.yukidoke.org/contact.html


Benjamin Mako Hill

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