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Folks, thought I'd invite the Debian NYC scene to my birthday party this
coming weekend (invite below). Shoot me an email if you're coming.

Take care,

------- Forwarded Message

Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 00:58:04 -0400
From: Greg Pomerantz <gmp@alumni.brown.edu>
Subject: Party?!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Leave your serifs at home and join me for the most exclarotive party
of the year.  Folks, this is my last birthday party before I turn 30!
Drop your caps just after midnight as I turn fourty-three thousand eight
hundred eleven one-thousand four hundred sixty-firsts (i.e. 43811/1461).

Festivities start at 8:00 PM sharp, so be interpunctual. We'll be
enjoying Kalamata olives (cures asterism?!), aged goat cheese, and cases
of the usual fruity beverages.

when/where --

    Saturday, May 14, 2005
    8:00 PM

    50 Lexington, #7B
    New York, NY  10010


------- End of Forwarded Message

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