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Re: [Debian-NYC] Announcing workshop #1B: Packaging concepts and worksession



On Nov 4, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Richard Darst wrote:

> Hello,
> Workshop #1B has a page now (announcement also pasted below):
>  http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNYC/Workshops/2
> It will be Thursday, November 12th, and mostly (but not exclusively) a
> followup to #1.  One group will work on some more packaging concepts,
> one group will do freeform bugsquashing/packaging/other work.
> Attending the previous workshop isn't required.
> Please RSVP to me if you can come, and also let others who may be
> interested know.  It would be helpful to let me know if you would be
> more interested in the tutorial or the freeform work part of the
> workshop, so that we can plan space properly.
> Thanks,
> - Richard
> =====
> Debian-NYC invites you to to the second NYC-area Debian workshop. This
> workshops follows up to our previous one, however previous attendance
> is not required and there will be a section which reviews previous
> topics.
> These workshops are designed to introduce Debian, Debian tools and
> techniques, and the Debian community as well as provide skills to
> attendees and helping Debian. This workshop is targeted towards
> technically skilled people, who would like knowledge of basics of
> Debian packaging and how to contribute back to Debian.
> Topics covered: a) One section will tear apart a package, explaining
> the component parts of a Debian package. The expected target is users,
> administrators, and possible future contributers to Debian. b) A
> second section will be a free-form work group, with Debian Developers
> guiding work on fixing Debian bugs (but not limited to working only on
> Debian bugs). This is a free-form workshop, attendees are not limited
> to these groups for their time here.
> Please bring: A Debian (or other Debian-based distribution such as
> Ubuntu) computer with your preferred development tools on it. Extra
> computers may be available for loan, please contact us. If you have
> GPG keys, bring fingerprints if you would like to trade signatures.
> Date/Time/Location: November 12, 2009. 18:30 (tutorial section starts
> 19:00). Location: TBA, Midtown (Penn station area)
> Registration: Spots are limited, RSVP to (rkd at zgib.net).
> Contact: IRC via #debian-nyc on irc.debian.org ; debiannyc@vireo.org ;
> Richard Darst (rkd at zgib.net)
> Web: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNYC/Workshops/2
> --  
> | Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 106 days, 10:24
> |            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
> | "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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