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Re: [Debian-NYC] Pre-bug squashing party workshop


Looking forward to the BSP, just wanted to say thanks for organizing
all of these great workshops.

See you on the 29th.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:11 AM, Richard Darst <rkd@zgib.net> wrote:
> In preparation for the 2010 Squeeze release Bug Squashing Party (BSP),
> Debian-NYC is having a workshop to review the important
> background. This workshop will be very similar to the past two
> workshops: introduction on how to get a source package, alter (fixing
> bugs!), rebuild, and submit your changes as a patch. It will happen on
> the evening of Jan 21st, roughly a week before the BSP.
> The purpose of this workshop is so that all kinds of beginners feel
> welcome at our bug squashing party, and feel that they can make useful
> contributions. There will be a repeat of this workshop on the Friday
> of the Bug Squashing Party (Jan 29th) for anyone unable to make it on
> the 21st, but you'll be able to dive into the BSP more easily if
> you've had a week to play with these ideas and tools beforehand.
> Attendees of previous workshops do not need to attend this workshop -
> better would be to practice the things from past workshops some!
> However, everyone is welcome, and past attendees can help mentor new
> attendees. This workshop will be focused on helping the bug squashing
> party in January 2010 to run smoothly.
> The Debian-NYC series of workshops as a whole is designed to introduce
> Debian, Debian tools and techniques, and the Debian community as well
> as provide skills to attendees and helping Debian. This workshop is
> targeted towards technically-skilled people who would like knowledge
> of basics of Debian and how to contribute back to Debian.
> Please bring: A Debian (or other Debian-based distribution such as
> Ubuntu) computer with your preferred development tools on it. Extra
> computers may be available for you to use if you can't bring one; but
> please contact us ahead of time if you'd like assistance with
> machinery, so the folks who can bring extra know how much to bring.
> Date/Time/Location: January 21, 2010. 18:30 (tutorial section starts
> 19:00, subject to change). Location: TBA
> Registration: Free, space is limited, RSVP to (rkd at zgib.net).
> Contact: IRC via #debian-nyc on irc.debian.org ; debiannyc@vireo.org ;
> Richard Darst (rkd at zgib.net)
> Web: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNYC/Workshops/3
> ========
> Well, here it is: pre-BSP workshop on the Thursday a week before.  Let
> me know if you can make this date (even if we've already talked about
> it) - I'll keep the sign up list.
> Note to list: As the thing above says, there will be a repeat of this
> (or something like it) at the BSP itself.  Could someone in the middle
> ground (not a DD, but has been to several workshops) step up and do
> this?  We'll give all the help you could want.
> See you then,
> - Richard
> --
> | Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 169 days, 1:35
> |            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
> | "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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