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[Debian-NYC] MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Grant for Debian-NYC


Hans-Christoph got the idea to apply for this MacArthur Foundation
grant, for some sort of DebConf funding.  We got together last night
and worked on this idea - it morphed into a more Debian-NYC focused
thing, creating a physical group for learning and community.

See below (thread started on debconf10-localteam list, but moving here
now).  Debian-NYC support/feedback/participation is encouraged!  We'd
like to see who else could be involved.

----- Forwarded message from Hans-Christoph Steiner -----

So Richard, Clint, and I met at NYC Resistor to work on a idea for
this grant, and came up with something more targeted to Debian-NYC as
a whole, and including DebConf10 in part. This is for the MacArthur
Foundation's DML Learning Lab grant.  This provides $30-250k of money
for a project designed for digital media and learning.  Emphasis is on
learning, sharing, mentoring, collaboration, and empowerment.

We want to make our teaching, organizing, hacking, and learning
activities more formalized by starting an group with a regular meeting
time/space organized around Debian.  This means having people working
quarter, half, or full time as Debian-NYC organizers and teachers. How
big we make this is up to how many people want to be involved.
Additionally, we want to organize related events, like Debian/Ubuntu
release/upgrade parties, Software Freedom Day events, Free Software
Barcamp, etc.

The core idea is to organize a year of activities around teaching,
improving, learning, etc. all aspects an operating system that is Free
Software and run by a democratic institution with its own constitution.

We would use our money to do things like:
- provide a once- or twice-weekly learning lab space to meet.  Once a
  week would be a workshop type thing, once a week or so would be a
  "hackerspace" just to get people together to collaborate on their own
  things.  Perhaps include food.
- Pay registration for the students for DebConf
- Pay for some workshops to be given at DebConf (support DebConf this
- Stipend for organizers
- Various computer equipment and supplies

The first round (360 word blurb) is due in one week.  We'd like to get
together interested local people and try to flesh out who would like to
be involved and get our application submitted.  

--> If you're interested, please let us know, and we will meet sometime
--> early next week.

You can see more brainstorming notes here:



----- End forwarded message -----

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 179 days, 18:38
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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