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Re: Montreal's bid proposal for DebConf16

Félicitations au groupe qui a monté cette proposition des plus intéressante !

Charles-André Roy

Le Mon, Dec 01, 2014 at 01:42:36PM -0500, Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre a écrit :
> Hi!
> We are very excited to announce our bid for Montreal, Canada to host
> DebConf16.
> Located in the north-east of North America, Montreal is the largest
> francophone city on the continent and a frequent host for international
> events. Its rich cultural diversity, casual style and historical sites
> make it an attractive destination for business and leisure travels
> alike. Montreal is also renowned for its excellent public transit and
> bike-friendliness. The vast number of festivals, parks, museums and
> local breweries make it a great meeting destination in any season. While
> the city's official language is French, the majority of the population
> is bilingual and so it's quite easy for English speaking visitors to
> navigate the city.
> Montreal is an ideal choice for hosting DebConf16 and the team
> presenting this bid is solid, with an entirely local roster of DebConf
> veterans and newcomers. We have several great potential venues in our
> sights, both downtown and offcenter, all with fantastic network
> capacity. Last but not least, Montreal has a well-established free
> software community which would readily gather around an event such as
> DebConf.
> While we are aware that our wiki page currently is light on venue
> specifics, we will be working hard in the next few days to bolster this
> section.
> Our bid proposal is available at:
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Montreal
> On behalf of the Montreal bid team.
> -- 
> Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu.tl@gmail.com>
> Freenode: cyphermox, Jabber: mathieu.tl@gmail.com
> 4096R/DC95CA5A 36E2 CF22 B077 FEFE 725C  80D3 C7DA A946 DC95 CA5A

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