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A new version of The Linux Signpost has been released

I have now released a new version of The Linux Signpost.

The changes are :
- Major menu redesign, mostly based on use-cases. 
- The Linux Signpost now aims to provide or direct the user to the appropriate 
services needed to cover most of their needs.
- Advertisement/presentation system for Free software projects. 

Take a look at http://www.linuxsignpost.org/

Feedback wanted! :)  

I know there are typos and bad grammar, please help me find and correct them. 

I would also appreciate comments and suggestions on the user choices in the 

What many of you have comed to know as The Linux Signpost has been moved to 
the "Find software" section. 

Have a nice day.

Arnt Ove Gregersen

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you 
win.",M Gandhi

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