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Re: Rules for the stable package-repository on developer

[Morten Werner Olsen]
> and congratulations with 1.0 everyone! :)

Yes, congratulations with a job well done, to each and every one which
helped make this possible. :)

> I spoke to Petter about it on IRC yesterday, and have the following
> proposal:

Sounds good to me.  It make sure the changes are few and hopefully
done conservativly.  It also make sure someone is responsible for
taking decisions if no concensus is reached.

> Of course, we still want to build daily images with our improved
> system, and need to include packages from woody-test (or another
> test-repository) in the daily built CD's. I'm sure Petter have more
> info about this, but I got the impression that a newer version of
> debian-cd was preferable.

Yes.  I hope to find time to set up building of a new version of the
CD, build from the woody-test source.  I'm not sure if it will work,
but I'll try and see how it goes.  The idea is to try both with a
newer version of debian-cd and with the picax package, and see if any
of them can handle a pool based local repository.  If not, we will
have to make a separate test repository with a different structure.

I also plan to change the building of the stable CD to use the
debian-installer udebs from testing/sarge instead of unstable/sid.
This should give us less untested changes to the install system.  I
tried earlier to copy the udebs to our local repository, and fetch
them from there, but this broke.  I'm not sure why, but I suspect it
is because or local repository is missing the correct package priority
override file.

As for planned changes to the stable series, I would like to upgrade
base-config to the one in woody-test.  Here is the changelog:

base-config (1.69.skolelinux.6) woody; urgency=low

  * Petter Reinholdtsen
    - Handle new output from /usr/bin/tty (for newer kernels).  This
      fixes skolelinux bug #770, making installation work for those
      using ISO-8859-15.
    - Log to syslog when something fail.  This make it easier to find
      out why installation fail
  * Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes
    - Updated Portuguese translation.

It need some testing, but when the testing is over it should solve
german installs.

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