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Re: Please join the Skolelinux sarge testing team

Hi there,

just want to support Knut's call. Please take a special look on how 
cfengine interacts with ldap.

Am Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2005 15:37 schrieb Knut Yrvin:
> Links to relevant download area and a document with a short guide on
> how to use rsync, and the workarounds when installing:

If you once downloaded an image, you can update it incrementally using 
rsync. Assuming you opened a console and changed to the directory where 
your former image is located, just type:

rsync  ftp.skolelinux.no::skolelinux-sarge/sarge-i386-1.raw old.raw   

(Replace "old.raw" with the name of the locally existing image).

As you won't see any response for 1 or 2 hours, you might wish to do a 
dry run. Use option "-n" to do so. "-v" gives a completion message in 
the end.

In case you lack a free machine:
- the sarge-bzzware is installable on any free partition, be sure to 
  reject partitioning the entire hard disk during install!
- another option is using the qemu as free virtual machine:
  apt-get install qemu vtun
  (vtun for the virtual tun0 network interface)
  then follow Klaus-Ade's instructions at

Thank you

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