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Re: The next level of Custom Debian Distributions

Knut Yrvin wrote:
tirsdag 3. mai 2005, 01:38, skrev Jonas Smedegaard:

You actually recommend using sarge for schools? What version/snapshot
of sarge? The one today or the one tomorrow or just anything sarge?

The pr01 made by Finn-Arne.

PR01 is not _made_by_ Finn-Arne.

pr01 is a snapshot from the middle of mars, autobuilt from the packages that were availible at the given time. And yes, it should work to install if you follow the document describing the problems and solutions at

I dont recommend anyone to use that image without any professional support from BzzWare AS or others that might give you this. But those who use this image, and actually have professional support from someone that are working on this image, are in fact the ones that are paying for the getting the next version of debian-edu, and thereby also the next version of debian, availible.

Of course it's also possible for others to contribute to get a version of Skolelinux/Debian-edu based on Debian-Sarge.

So, if you want to contribute and/or want to use a newer version of debian-edu please dont hesitate to contact me or others that are contributing to getting sarge released.

Finn-Arne Johansen

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