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Re: Skolelinux Sarge-alpha & Some samba questions

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On 04-05-2005 12:35, Harald Thingelstad wrote:
> tir, 03,.05.2005 kl. 18.48 +0200, skrev RalfGesellensetter:
>>Hi Finn, thanks for replying...
>>The reason why we were using bzzware is, that the 
>>server had been installed months ago when bzzware still was an active 
>>branch. We enabled lessdisk and everything; for many reasons we  
>>integrated the server only now to replace an old NT PDC.
> It's beginning to look as if we're a club here.
> I'm using the bzz release here too.
> Reason? It's an upgrade to the sarge system, without at the same time
> having any truly intrusive changes. (Other than the Woody->Sarge shift
> that is, of course).
> It isn't perfect, but it's maintainable. 
> And for most users out there, the Woody to Sarge upgrade is more
> important than anything the Skolelinux team will come up with for years.
> It took a lot more people three years now, to do this. See?

See what?

> When I see there are more than me doing this: Perhaps we, de facto, do
> have two branches of work on Skolelinux/Sarge now. Is it possible to
> have some colloboration on the slow/semi-stable work too?

Hey - why make it complex with multiple branches, when what we have *is*
(according to Knut, Andreas and possibly others) semi-stable?

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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