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Re: Installation of PreRelease 02 of Sarge-based Debian-edu

Frederic Renet wrote:
> Hello,
> I did work with the woody based skolelinux, i'm trying to put a new
> computer room with PreRelease 02 of Sarge-based Debian-edu.
> The installation went without problem. The computer used for the test is
> a Pentium 4 with 2 ethernet card. During the test this computer is not
> connected to any LAN.
> I choose to put three profiles on the same computer :
> -Main Server
> -Thin client server
> -Workstation
> There are my diferrent remarks:
> 1) At the end of installation it is not possible to login from kdm (root
> is denied and no other user have been created)

It should be possible. If server is installedm then it sohould be
possible to log in as root.

Could you also try to install "Main+Thinclient server" only , adn see if
that changes anything. When I tested, I did an installation with
2.4-kernel and one with 2.6-kernel. On both installation I logged in as

> 2) After i created a unix user i can log 
> 3) If i try to connect i get an access denied

Is that a typo, or was that the address you tried ?
You should have used
which browser did you use ?
I tested that it worked, but I'm not sure which address I used - I think
it was https://tjener:10000

> 4) is working

Nice - then webmin at least works.

> 5) When i try to create a user in the ldap-users module from webmin i
> got an error about "use of uninitialized values" lines 1785 and 1880
> and finally "unable to connect to LDAP server on host "ldap" :
> connection refused "

That is already documented in

Now It's even bugged in debian BTS for slapd, and the fix will be solved
in the next upload of slapd. #310422

> 6) In Webmin the only server installed is "Skolelinux Backup". Webmin
> DHCP server module can be installed but is not by default. I did not see
> a LTSP webmin module, is this normal ?

I guess something went wrong during your installation, then - Could you
please file a bug report on http://bugs.skolelinux.no, and attach
/var/log/base-config.log ?  (please dont send it here)
Maybe also attach the content of /var/log/debian-installer/

> 7) I tried to replace slapd.conf by slapd-debian-edu.conf but even after
> i remove the TLS entries it still does not work

That should already have happened. Not sure what happened.

> If someone provide me some hints i would be able to push investigations
> further.

Look through the above mentioned log, especially where the cfengine
stuff is.

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
Leverandør av support på, drift og videreutvikling av Skolelinux-løsninger

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