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Re: What happened to Thomas Templin?!?

On Sunday 29 May 2005 20:28, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Hi fellow Skolelinux developers,
> I recently met a guy at a Skolelinux gathering in Gütersloh,
> germany. He had a wiki page here:
> http://www.skolelinux.de/wiki/ThomasTemplin - and another page
> was created by him as well here:
> http://www.skolelinux.de/wiki/ThomasTemplin/FellowshipOfFSFE
> What happened to those wiki pages?

This two pages have been removed due to the fact that I put a 'Bitte 
Loeschen' tag on this two pages.

The other things you told me in your pm have been done whithout my 
knowledge ore even without giving me a note about.

> This email cc'ed the german list as well, but that list seems
> closed to the public (requires authorization both to post and to
> subscribe) so using this open list to make sure the message gets
> heard...
>  - Jonas


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