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Re: Why not to put on live cd

Am Montag 27 Februar 2006 17:18 schrieb Chinmay.Narayan:
> Hi
> my name is chinmay . i ,together with my friend want to put the
> debian-edu on a live CD, because we think it will have good effect in
> making it easily usable in schools(link knoppix). We have this
> thought especiallly in indian context(from where we are). Hope to see
> the reply regards
> chinmay

Dear  Chinmay,

hello to India - and thanks for your interest. As you can guess, you 
were not the first with this idea, so join forces (see below).

First of all, however, may I ask, what is the major objectives of that 
live CD you considered? Desktop usage or demonstrating server features 
(one of Skolelinux's strengths)?

Here are some pages pointing to SkoleLive projects:
 * http://skolelinux.de/wiki/SkoleLive (German)
 * http://skolelinux.de/wiki/LiveBackup (German)
 * http://skolelinux.de/wiki/LiveCDs (partly German)
 * http://skolelinux.de/wiki/SkoleLive/DebianInstaller-makeyourown 
 * http://lists.debian.org/debian-custom/2005/04/msg00010.html - Posting 
by Fabian Franz
(To be continued)

Also search for SkoleLive and EduKnoppix, don't forget Skoleknoppix and 


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