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Re: new Version SkoleLiveCd

* Mr Tyrese <tyreseonline@gmail.com> [060807 13:28]:

> Is there a torrent for this file?
> Is it on any rysnc server?

not at the moment. 

perhaps use
wget -c http://skolelinux.de/download/Skolelnux.CD.060805.iso

it is still alpha

i will search for mirrors when we have the first beta version.

hope that helps

We have started to build short lessions in moodle
how to use:
moodle, skolelinux, cipux 
and some infos why it is important to know creativ-common-licence
Our goal is to have this 4 lessions on the SkoleLiveCd
in english, french and german at the first step. 
So we need voluntiers also for translation.

At the moment i am waiting of a fix for the bug in the cipuxphp
code. The french team is working on.

>From 14.8. to 15.8. there will be a meeting in the german testcenter
and i hope to be be able right after this to release the first beta version.

So please download, test and giv feedback to



Regards/AmicaLinuxement/Viele Gruesse!
Kurt Gramlich
GnuPG Key ID 0xE263FCD4

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