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Re: lwat - user administration tool

Trond Mæhlum wrote:
Finn-Arne Johansen skrev:
Trond Mæhlum skrev:
Patrick Winnertz skrev:
Here are some screenshots of lwat, this is an user administration tool
for ldap
Just curious... Could this be installed on a Sarge tjener as well,
replacing wlus?

It's possible, but you would have to use backports of php5

You could also easily install an etch-based workstation, then add lwat
to that installation (which will pull in apache2 I think)

I have installed an etch tjener on our esx vmware server. It didn't install lwat. I did however find a version of lwat on http://bzz.no/~finnarne/lwat

It will not install... I get this when I install the deb file:

In norwegian:

dpkg: Feil ved behandling av lwat (--install):
underprosessen post-installation script returnerte feilstatus 10

This is a new "tjener" which sees ldap on the old server, ldap in bind points to the old server. When i ping ldap, the correct server is answering.

Is there more to it? What am I doing wrong?

lwat is only in etch-test yet.

try altering your sources.list file from the skolelinux etch local repo to the skolelinux etch-test local repo.
like this:
deb http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux/ etch-test local

then you can apt-get it. Keep in mind there may also be other packages newer in etch-test that you may or may not want to upgrade to.


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